Introducing Pathways: A Regional Network for Gender Justice

To support the ongoing work of engaging men & boys in gender justice, Next Gen Men is excited to share a new phase of our work supported by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).

We’ve set out to establish a regional network inviting new stakeholders to engage the men & boys in their spaces in the advancement of gender equity and the prevention of gender-based violence. 

We are calling this initiative Pathways For Engaging Men & Boys in Gender Justice (Pathways for short).

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How does patriarchy impact men’s relationships?

When I asked my friend Jon whether or not the messages he’d received about how to “be a man” had impacted the amount of happiness and joy he had felt throughout his life, his simple answer was “yes”. Throughout our conversation, two major themes emerged: 1) the feeling of “never being good enough” and 2) struggles in relationships.

And boy, oh boy. We could write a lot about how patriarchal masculinity impacts men’s chances at healthy, loving, close, relationships with their friends, families, and partners.

Let’s get into it.

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How does patriarchy impact men’s happiness?

“Do you think being a man affects the amount of joy you feel in your life?”

I asked my friend this question. I was curious if the messages he’d received about how to “be a man” — things like being tough, self-reliant, dominant, aggressive, status-seeking, etc. — had impacted how happy he had been in his life. 

Throughout our conversation, these two themes stuck out most: 1) feelings of “never being good enough” and  2) struggles with relationships.

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8 Documentaries on Masculinity, Patriarchy, and Change

If you’ve been paying attention to Next Gen Men for a while, then you know we love to read (cue Jake telling you about BOOK Club ad infinitum) — but we also love to watch documentaries and movies! 

Here are eight documentaries about patriarchy, masculinity, gender equity, and change that we’ve seen (plus one that we are patiently waiting to see). Some focus on violence, others on mental health and relationships; some zoom in on the personal, while others zoom out on the political. We promise they’ll have you fired up either way. 

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What should I expect in therapy?

In our last article, we left off with booking an initial consultation with a therapist – but what should you expect when you actually go to your initial consultation? 

What about your first real therapy appointment? What will that be like, and how can you best prepare for it?

Let us walk you through both!

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Am I ready to go to therapy?

Maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a long time, or perhaps you’ve had others suggest it to you. Perhaps it seems like the natural next step in the journey you’ve been on, or maybe you’ve hit a roadblock in your growth and want to get additional support. 

Whatever the reason, if you’re considering whether or not you’re ready to go to therapy, this blog is for you. 

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Is Masculinity Spiritual?

Is masculinity innately spiritual? 

If you’ve scrolled on Tik Tok you will find no shortage of very aesthetic-looking videos outlining the ways to ‘tap into your divine masculine and divine feminine’ or what it means to be a ‘high-vale male.’ The idea that fostering your ‘divine gendered energy’ as a way to heal yourself may be going viral now, but it has roots going all the way back to the 80s.

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