Become a
Voice Male member.


The best way to support Next Gen Men in building a future where boys & men feel less pain and cause less harm is by becoming a monthly or annual Voice Male member. There are plenty of reasons to do so:

  • A Voice Male magazine subscription. Established in 1983, Voice Male magazine is the chronicle of the pro-feminist men's movement. Depending on your level of support you will receive two print or digital issues per year.
  • Perks! Discounts! Access! Be the first to know about events including our summer Rite of Passage Expeditions. Get 15% off all NGM products and offerings in our store including bestsellers like A Kids Book About Masculinity and Cards for Masculinity.
  • A committed community. Become part of the Next Gen Men community, a private forum full of champions and changemakers commited to connecting, sharing resources, and discussing how to change the way we see, act, and think about masculinity.
  • The knowledge that you’re making a difference for the future of masculinity. Each Voice Male subscription helps drive our impact with those who need it most by funding NGM Alliance, a FREE online community for middle- and high-school youth that buffers their mental health through supportive peer relationships.