
You care about the freedom, safety, and well-being of all people.


It’s not us (men) vs them (everyone else). It’s not one or the other.

Gender norms and the systems they uphold (which we call patriarchy) weigh us all down.

You know we get free together.

Maybe, in your search for a community, you’ve come across men’s groups before, but something felt ‘off’ and you can’t quite put your finger on it.

Maybe the groups were great at exploring men’s inner turmoil but lacked an outward focus on making the world a better place. Or perhaps, the groups focused on men’s pain and anger, but resorted to blaming others.

For whatever reason, these groups didn’t feel aligned with the values you strive to uphold: empathy, equity, curiosity, inclusion, accountability, and justice.

Well, you’re in the right place now.

We believe in men’s ability to heal both themselves and their communities.

We know that it’s possible to have empathy for men’s pain while also holding men accountable for the harm they might cause (knowingly or not).

We also believe that patriarchy hurts everyone, men and boys included—and it’s up to all of us to dismantle this system.

A better world is possible, if we’re brave enough to build it.


Find belonging in a passionate community of supporters.


Voice Male members are a group of people who are passionate about practicing equity and empathy in themselves and in the world around them. We are all learning, growing, and practicing how to be the best versions of ourselves while making the world a safer, more just, liberated, and welcoming place for people of all gender identities and expressions.

Our community is a place to share and make sense of our own experiences—particularly with gender, mental wellness, relationships, and equity—as well as a space to support one another as we learn and unlearn. It’s a place for like-hearted people to form connections, and to help build and sustain a movement of men (and others!) who care about gender equity.


Next Gen Men’s community is for…

  • Anyone curious about patriarchy’s impact on men, boys, and everyone else
  • Anyone looking to expand their empathy toward men, boys, and everyone else who is impacted by patriarchy
  • Anyone courageous enough to challenge patriarchy where they live, work, play and/or worship
  • Anyone committed to an equitable world, free from patriarchy

We can support you to...

  • Continue your journey of learning and unlearning
  • Feel welcomed into a community of people who are on a similar journey
  • Be empowered with knowledge and tools to put your learning into practice
  • Recognize that there’s an entire community and movement to support you when things feel bleak or overwhelming

Join NGM’s Inner Circle

A members-only online forum where we share and discuss interesting and helpful articles, podcasts, videos, reports, and connect with each other to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Access to Events for Free

Free access to private, member-led, online discussions and in-person events to unpack some of the messages we’ve received about masculinity without shame or judgment.

Get Discounts on Workshops

Discounts on workshops—where you will grow your understanding and build confidence in practicing important skills like we empathy, communication, and advocacy.

Build A Better Future

The knowledge that through your monthly or annual contribution, you are helping to sustain NGM’s transformative work with boys and nonbinary youth.


 Write for Voice Male Magazine


In the fall of 2023, Next Gen Men inherited Voice Male Magazine, the magazine chronicling the feminist men’s movement since 1983. Do you have something to say about masculinities, gender justice, healthy relationships, or mental wellness?

We welcome your submissions!
