Why is it that fathers polish their shotguns when their daughters invite a new boyfriend over? Why do we not want our girlfriends to work in the service industry? Why do we all nod our heads when we hear about ‘locker room talk?’ Why is it that we feel #MeToo allegations are a threat to men at large rather than predators that abuse their power?
Read MoreI had a conversation the other day with a journalist about some of the other men’s groups and thinkers on men and masculinity out there. It has me thinking about the commonalities and the differences between ‘us and them.’
Read MoreI learnt a new word this weekend: Sinecure – a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit. From Latin sine cura, ‘without care’.
Read MoreIn a recent Equity Leaders session on Inclusive Leadership, we talked about different traits that leaders should understand and practice, one of which was fairness. I was challenged by one of our participants to explain more…
Read MoreWhat is something from your childhood that you fundamentally believed was gross and now you quite enjoy? Brussel sprouts? Dark chocolate? Do you remember your first sip of alcohol? Whether beer or wine or spirit—did you spit it out?
Read MoreThe other day it struck me as I was talking to a woman who had recently retired from 29 years in a male-dominated industry—what is the one thing that I would ask men to do to advance gender equity?
Read MoreI was recently invited to an event to take part in a conversation where a group of men and women talked about an article pertaining to men and the #MeToo movement. It was a rich discussion, but I was absolutely floored when one of the male participants articulated something I thought/felt, but never had words for.
Read MoreI’m not a very spiritual person (call me overly pragmatic), but I respect others’ spirituality and the lens that they view the world through. One of our board members, Matt Corker, is a fantastic yogi (and overall person) and offered me this lens on some men’s work outlets which I’ve run with since.
Read MoreA friend asked me the other night: “If you could have anyone’s speaker fees paid for and they were available, who would you want to listen to?” I immediately responded—Barack Obama! She was a bit surprised and asked me why. I explained to her that doing the work that I do, it can be hard to find role models of healthy masculinities at times. Masculinities being plural because of the different identities we possess at different intersections. From what I know of the man he is a good leader, politician, husband, father, friend, and dad-joker.
Read MoreFriends have heard me harp about this, but I think using the word stoic to describe a man/masculinity is a disservice—not to the man, but rather to the word. To ‘be stoic’ is often tossed around to mean unflinching, unfeeling, unemotional. My understanding of stoicism, however, comes from the study of Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and other Greco-Roman philosophers known as the stoics.
Read MoreStefan Montalbetti is sadly leaving the Next Gen Men family to chase powder in central British Columbia and continue his journey as an educator and facilitator. We know the struggle he has been having out of both his abiding enthusiasm for NGM’s future as well as his loyalty to all of us.
Read MoreWe are all in the pursuit of betterment. To be more inclusive. To not make anyone feel left out. Why are we leaving some people out of not leaving others out?
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