2021 Transparency Report

For those who are familiar with Next Gen Men, you might know a transparency report is a new thing for us. If NGM itself is new to you, we recommend that you start by reading our about page.

In 2020, we decided to double-down on being a social enterprising nonprofit, rather than begin an application for charitable status. This decision was not made lightly, nor was each path inherently right or wrong as we saw potential success in both directions.

It came down to trade-offs, as most things do. The trade-off we chose was one where we enrolled people, not institutions like the government, foundations, or philanthropists to predominantly sustain our vision and mission. Often charitable outcomes are something someone wants for someone else—however, we see a future where boys and men feel less pain and cause less harm as a future that boys and men want for themselves.

We won’t write off becoming a charity someday, but for now, this feels right for us. In lieu of the potential comfort of filing T3010s and undergoing costly audits (although we do undergo annual review engagements with a third-party accounting firm), we commit to being transparent with you about how we’re doing and where we’re going. Because after all, you’ve got skin in the game.

Here’s where we’re at across NGM’s key constituents.