NGM Thoughts 05: Reading the ‘Other’ Side

A stark example to me that men are the dominant sex, is in literature. Women read books by men, about men, but it is few and far between that I see men reading books by women, about women. In an effort to educate myself, I’m reading Roxane Gay’s Bad Feminist in which she highlights this in one of her essays.

I see this replicated in sports (name more than five female hockey players, WNBA stars, or tennis players that are not lauded for their looks), music, movies (look up the Bechdel Test), oh and ‘leadership’—both thought and business.

Written by Next Gen Men Co-Founder Jake Stika as part of a personal challenge to share some of our reflections around what it means to be a better man in today’s day and age. Join us every Friday for NGM Thoughts.